Friday, January 25, 2013

Week Ten: This is Australia

Happy Australia Day!...For tomorrow. I know, I said I would leave you hanging till Saturday, but I can't help myself, I just want to show you things and I've managed to keep it to myself for several days now, so I say I'm improving, don't you?

I thought I'd do a quilled Australia for this week's project to celebrate!

See that greenish piece? That's where I live XD

I just took a basic outline of the land down under and put some baking paper on top, then quilled lots of little shapes in my chosen colours (next time I would go with less colour variation, maybe just two shades), joined them all together until I filled the space, keeping it in position with berry pins, and then outlined it with olive green before moving on to the water.

I thought it should be girt by sea, so I girted it...I don't know if that crosses over to a verb, but yes. I girted it with some bright blue to make sure Tasmania doesn't drift off anywhere.

To all my Australian readers, I hope you have a great day of celebration and or relaxation, and to all my international friends, I hope you enjoy looking at the pretty quilled map of our country!

Next week is a surprise for someone (yes, another thing I'm giving to someone, I know. I'll make up for it I swear!), so no cheeky hints.


1 comment:

ittybittyandpretty said...

cool!! love all the little shapes.